I have given tips before in a few articles on what to include in a resume when job hunting. It’s a critical time in our economy when everyone is worried about unemployment. Many of us have lost our job and the reverse is true; those who still have a job are worried about losing it. The recession is not over and most of us are saving more than ever before. We are looking for ways to live below their means, promote our job skills and are focused on taking care of our families the best we can.
Having the right resume format will improve your chances and give you an edge during an interview. If you are someone who is good at interviews, then it could make a difference in you getting your foot in the door and sealing the deal on that dream job.
Choose the correct resume format or layout; really think it through. The type of job you are applying for will help you determine this.
Resume should be no more than one page. Therefore it is important to determine which skills you will be highlighting that will be eye catching to the potential employer and for the position you are applying for.
Make sure that your name and contact information is bolded or highlighted at the very top of the resume. The font should be a size greater than that of the body. The average font size should be between 10 and 12 points.
Determine your job objective. Clearly state your intent based on the job you want or the job you are applying for. Make sure to match the list of skills (you possess) with those in the job description.
Research the job you are applying for and the skills needed for that specific job. Do not list all the experiences you have had, but only relevant skills. It is always important to make sure that your resume emphasizes or highlight skills specific to the job you are applying for.
I have said it before and it is a fact that if you are just of college, it’s important to promote your education and then job or transferrable skills. If you have been in the workplace for a number of years, then you would promote your work experience first and then education. View here "How to promote Job Skills."
Once you have gotten into the body of the resume it’s important to use bolded subtopics when listing your education, skills, work experiences and interests.
List work in chronological order beginning with the most current job.
Under work experiences make sure to include the name, location, description of your work experiences, dates your have worked (chronological order) and a short description of the company.
Use short but complete sentences and bullet points to list those experiences. Use verbs and/or strong action words to list work experiences and accomplishments. Make sure you are clear and concise when describing your skills and accomplishments.
Layout should be consistent throughout resume.
Complete the resume with a list of interests that not only compliments your job skills, but also flatters your assets.
Upon completing the resume, make sure to review and correct spelling and grammar errors. Use a grammar and spell check in Microsoft word (great tool).